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Tuesday 11 September 2012

In Music & Clothing - Mac Miller's 'Knock Knock' music video and SABIT cardigan

I just watched the video for Mac Millers 'Knock Knock' and like most of his music videos it is awesome. The video starts with a grease lightneing style dance off and then an old school disco. This vid is well made and really suits the tune. During most of the vid Mac is wearing a red SABIT cardigan and ive seen a lot of comments on forums and on the youtube video asking what make the cardigan is and where to get it so here it is for clarity!
 The cardigan is out of season now so is not available from the SABIT store itself. You can still buy it from eBay and amazon etc. if you look hard enough and i presume this is because Mac has made it famous so people still want it but the store does not have it in season anymore.
Other out of season SABIT clothing can be found here.


  1. Hey man, quick question. Do you keep up with Mac? Do you watch his show? On episode 3, dope sea fishing, he was wearing a sweater with greens and blues and white and either a 6 or a 9 on the shoulder. the back label wasn't clear enough to read it had a word that I think ended in Za then River was the brand. Any idea? email me if you do thanks

    1. i do keep up with mac but i dont watch his show, sorry man
